Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Disaster at the Diner!

As is our custom when we visit South Jersey, we go out to eat, either lunch or dinner with our old crowd from our East Windsor neighborhood.  We look forward to this gathering, as these folks are truly our good buddies.  Included were the Van Praaghs, Helen, and this year, Sue Roth and her companion Gary. 

We went to the old Americana Diner, which for us had been a long standing eating place, which had recently undergone quite a transformation into something called the Windsor Queen or something like that. 

As soon as we sat down, our experience went south.  The summary is that 2 and a half hours later, we walked out, disgusted, but we did have good food to eat.   Our lunch included a full dressing down from the lone waiter that was on duty, further insults from him as he delivered the food, unanswered pleas for speed to the manager on duty, and as the final straw, another half hour wait for no reason to get our checks.   I stiffed the waiter-  lucky he didn't get punched out-  as you can see from the photo, it certainly wasn't crowded. 

These folks are in serious, serious trouble, unless they get their act together-  

Notwithstanding that, we had a great lunch time conversation, and got all caught up. 

Quite the experience. 

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