Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dinner with Tracy and major change of plans

For a couple of reasons mostly to do with my ability to get all of Metro New York city stops yesterday, we decided to adjust the schedule and leave Lake Hopatcong two or three or five days early, depending on how you read the original schedule. 

At first, we were booked in for a week, on arrival, I changed that to 5 nights, we wound up staying two. 

What I did today was run back over to Delaware Water Gap and hit the two places that were only open on the weekends, which was Millbrook Village and the Dingmans Ferry Visitor Center.  Got all the stamps that were supposed to be there, and now I am 100% for the stamps from Delaware Water Gap.   I also finished picking up a couple of impressions for someone who had asked for them. 

Got back to the coach at noon, and then, we headed on down to Hamilton NJ, which is always our base to visit Tracy from. 

Along the way, we stopped off at the Service Plaza on the Jersey Turnpike at exit 12, and I unhooked and headed over to two locations on Staten Island, where I was missing stamps.   Great Kills Ranger Station was not open last summer, and I got the stamps there, and I pickup up the one stamp I was missing plus a bonus stamp at Fort Wadsworth.  Score!

Got back to the coach by 3, and by 4 we were at Camp Wal Mart in Hamilton. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to do the downtown Metro Philly stops and depending on how time goes, may also try to get to Valley Forge, Hopewell Furnace, and Pottstown Pa.  Have to see how it goes. 

Monday is in flux, since its a holiday, and some of what I need in the area won't be open. 

Tuesday is now open to grab off what I may need around, plus another downtown Philly stop, the Customs House. 

Wednesday, we are due at Toms River to see the Sabatini's, and I will make a run up to the Jersey Location for Gateway.  Think we may then head on down to New Castle, Del. to get started the next morning on some Delaware locations.  Sounds like a good plan.  

I'll get caught up on site specific things from the last couple of days as I can. 

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