Thursday, June 7, 2012

Totally ragged, but best day so far!

Well, we made the 7 06 train, and got into town about 830.  We hopped on the Metro over to Metro Center, and decided to head to the White House for first stop.  Along the way, I spotted the old Post Office, and knew there were stamps there, so in we went-  Cooper wanted to go to the top, and I'm glad we did!

The view from the top 10th floor is supposed to be the second highest in DC, second only to the Washington Monument, which is closed for repairs-

From there, we did walk on the outside fence of the White House, then over to the Washington Monument, visiting several stamping sites along the way-  Also got to the Korean War Memorial, the Viet Nam Wall, the WWII Memorial, and the Lincoln.   We walked about 4 miles I would say!

WE then grabbed a cab for a ride over to the new Washington National's stadium, and watched the Nats lose to the New York Mets, 3-1.  About 32,000 plus were there, and it was perfect weather!

Then, we grabbed the Metro back to Union Station, and caught an earlier train home.. I am totally bushed!

Tomorrow, I backed off on stuff I had planned, but I'm still going to run down to Herndon to see about getting an EZ Pass, then some stamp stops, then back to Brunswick. 

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