Thursday, June 28, 2012

Back into the Maine Coast routine, and loving it.

We got all situated in a nice spot at Moody Beach, and have settled in for a long relaxing three week stay-  Time to decompress a little, and we love it here.

We had a mini- reunion with several old camping buddies that we see each time we come, more rolled in yesterday, and sadly, one of our favorites, Capt Lee and Rosemary, will not be with us this year as the Capt is not feeling well. 

We ran up the street to Saco yesterday and checked in to the RV repair place to see about getting the door fixed and the Sat repaired, and they will take us Friday the 6th, so that is now on the schedule.

Then, I made my traditional visit to Douglas Harding books, and found a volume on  FDR that I can use, but not much else.  
Then, we headed over to the Lighthouse Depot, another traditional stop, and were totally surprised to learn that they seem to be going out of business-  they said they were having and "inventory reduction sale."  but their stock was almost all gone-  got Cooper a T shirt cheap. 
Then, we got back to the coach and crashed. 

Today, think I will run down to Nubble lighthouse, eat hot dogs at Flo's, and tonight Cooper and I have a baseball game at the Portland Sea Dogs so he can see his hero Jackie Bradley play, since he was recently promoted to AA ball.  We saw him play twice already this season, at Salem and Potomac when he was down at A ball. 

Tomorrow, thinking about taking a boat cruise out to the Isle of Shoals, which is a totally beautiful ride. 

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