Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bette's good supervision!

A while back, Bette felt that we ought to transplant and break up a batch of bulb flowers, and directed our gardner to do so.  We were a bit concerned that they might not make it, but as this shot shows as of today, they are clearly thriving-  We broke up this clump and split it alongside the garage also, and they are also in bloom.   Good job...

Confirming that we will now start the trip a day early, on Saturday the 19th.  Going to head up to Cordele, Ga., so I can revisit Jimmy Carter and Andersonville Parks to pick up some stamps that I missed on my last visit.  It's pretty much on the way, and will serve to further break up the trip to Atlanta. 

We have a birthday lunch tomorrow with the local gang for Kippy-  that ought to be good fun. 

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