Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yet more rain!

We are surrounded by rainy weather, but so far, no repeat of the big hail storm from 2 nights ago.  I had forgotten about this steamy sultry southern spring weather.  This ought to soften up Augusta for the Masters if it keeps up.

Cooper is down the hall doing his homework, we went to Meigs tonight for a split sandwich dinner-  it was awful!  Worst I've had there-  all fillers and strange mystery meat  ugh.... 

Got all caught up on my professoring today, and started my preps for next semester's classes. 

We got our taxes done yesterday down at Prosperity, and we are electronically filing again this year, so that chore is done.  Bette got big kudos for her systamatic record keeping from the accountant, money back for the second year in a row! 

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