Thursday, April 19, 2012

Working on the Summer trip, new stuff!

Been working on the summer trip for the last few days, nailing down some more minute details in New Hamshire, Vermont and Maine this week.

Most of the changes this week were in the Maine portion of the trip-  We finalized some reservations for Moosehead to visit the Coles, stretched out our visits to Lubec to a week, also a week at Acadia/Bar Harbor, added a stop at Westport and Bath for a couple of days each, so we can take some boat cruises to some of the outlying islands, which is always fun-  Also added some tourism stops,, and many more lighthouse stops. 

Been fairly busy this week with runaround stuff, Bette got to the eye dr and had her glasses slightly adjusted, we also had haircuts, she's done Mah Jong twice this week, and lots of miscellaneous shopping-  Weather has been very nice, slight showers today, temps in lower 80's  Supposed to be in for a couple inches of rain this weekend. 

Only about a month left before we lift anchor and head for Atlanta!!

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