Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Heron and the Anhinga- a photo essay

Yesterday, out the back window in the river room, I noticed our steady visitor, the anhinga bird, on the right here, was basking in the sun...  unaware at first that his territory was being scammed on by a fair sized Heron......
The Heron, guessing that this was his rightful spot, puffed up to let the Anhinga know that was the fact-  pretty scary I suppose to most birds. 

Not so much to the Anhinga, as she turned tail and spread out and hissed a little, saying "I was here first." 
Then, we had a stare-down...  Who won? 

Big Bird!!!  He didn't stay too long, start to finish the whole scene was about a minute and a half...  The Anhinga will be back for sure to claim her place... 

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