Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bette's gang taking over the house...

Bette has a group of her gal friends who come over once or twice a week and do paper folding-  cheap group therapy-  but they have a great time, and enjoy it-  talk about old folks stuff!  She'll have group withdrawal when we leave in three weeks or so...

I made an appointment with Alliance Coach down in Wildwood Florida to get some minor coach repairs done and some "spa" services completed before the trip, our annual services for the air conditioner, water heaters, etc etc. Going to drive down Sunday evening the 6th of May, then we're in the shop on the 7th-  Should only take the one day if we don't need parts..  allowing for a couple of days just to be safe. 

The trip starts now on May 20th, we added a stopover in Macon Ga on the way up to Atlanta to break up the trip and keep it under 450 miles the first day. 

Really coolish weather last couple of days, lows in the lower 50's in the morning!

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