Friday, February 3, 2012

Well, we had another one of our famous trip changes!  Wednesday, Bette suggested that we go ahead and bring the coach up and start the load in for the trip, which had an original leave date of Friday.

We loaded a good bit Wednesday, then took it easy, then on Thursday, we really got it loaded up pretty well. We had planned our traditional "last supper" with local Coquina folk, but around 11, we got a call from one couple who called out sick.  Shoot. 

Porter and William had since decided that they will be house sitting for us while we are gone, so they came over around 1130-  So, we decided to do a "last lunch" instead, and ran down to our favorite local famous place for lunch, Jim's.  Had a fabulous lunch-

By then we had decided, since we were loaded up, we might as well head on down the road- since traditionally the first day is a long slog, and we thought we might as well break it up, maybe get to Tallahasse, or Quincy or such. 

We left Coquina at 1:45, and headed West-  well, 11 hours and 7 minutes later, we pulled into the Wal Mart in beautiful Hattiesburg, Mississippi! 

It was a smooth trip, and while we usually have an aversion to long days, and certainly driving at night, since this was Interstate and dual lane highway for 97% of the trip, we just kept boogieing on. 

We made a fuel stop at a Flying J,

We did make several rest stops, Buster pee stops, and stopped once for Subway sandwiches for dinner. 

When we got to Hattiesburg, we crashed and slept like logs until 0630 this morning and then headed out again. 

Beautiful weather on the trip, temps about 70 most of the day, high 50's at night. 

So now it looks like we may get into Dallas a day early. 

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