Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mad Dash to Carlsbad Caverns....

What a day!  We left Lewisville at 0600, only because that was the earliest we could get out of the gate, and drove 518 miles today and have encamped for the night just outside of the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. 

We literally hauled buggy the last 100 miles or so, as we were trying to make the Caverns in time for the last elevator ride down, which was at 330.  We got to the counter at 327!!!! 

We very much enjoyed the next 45 minutes touring the Big Room, and then I got two stamps, and 3 pins.

This park is a revisit for me, as I visited it back in 1962 with my family on the way to my Dad's assignment in South Carolina. 

The Big Room did not disappoint, and it was a nice, if quick tour.  I wrote about it over on the National Park Blog:

We are staying the night in a place called White City Campground, which is a non fancy gravel pit with good electricity- which is fine, its level, and we're all comfy-  Supposed to be cold again tonight, near 34 or so.  

Since we came this far today, we sort of fiddled around with plans for tomorrow, and it looks like me may go ahead and see Guadelupe Mountain NP, and White Sands as well, which will then knock off three days and about 250 miles on the return trip, so Bette is happy about that.  In return, we may now run up to Phoenix/Cottonwood/Prescott to see the Strissels, since Bev has had an emergency surgery yesterday, and we would like to see their grands too. 

So that will be a good trade.  See if we can do it, shouldn't be a big deal. 

Love traveling with TC and Jeanna-  We had a long day today, but it was an easy one, and we had dinner tonight at the world famous

"Velvet Garter Restaurant and Saloon"  I kid you not, but actually, we had a wonderful meal, even if we were the only ones in the restaurant! 

The online reviews really tanked the place, but we were very very happy with our meals.  Bill for 2 was 14.89!

So tomorrow, we are wheels up at 0800-  first stop, Guadelupe Mountains National Park. 

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