Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 24- Willcox to Las Cruces and White Sands

Did about 300 miles all told today, first about 193 miles straight up flat I-10 from Willcox to Las Cruces, and stopped at Camp Wal Mart-  Got in there around 1130 or so. 

Went shopping for a few quick things, then I got in the car and headed over to the suburb of Messilla for a stamp run, then out to another metro location, but that was a bust, since they hadn't received the stamp yet, but they at least knew about it.  I decided to forgo the third plan location, as I may go there tomorrow on the way to El Paso. 

I hailed Bette, and we headed about 60 miles up the road to White Sands National Monument, park #180.  Sadly, we were delayed about 45 minutes due to a fatal accident at the entrance to the park when a motorcyclist evidently pulled out in front of a car doing about 70- and it was ugly, and the motorcyclist was fatally injured.

We were at first confused and then angry, since there was a border patrol station that we were coming up on, and then, all of a sudden, traffic just stopped.  Then we inched ahead a little, then stopped for about 45 minutes-  I couldn't figure out why the Border Patrol was operating in such a manner, turns out they weren't since the road was completely blocked at that time by the NM State Police MAIT team, who were handling the wreck scene as a crime scene-  They were doing a full scale investigation for sure.  The incident commander said he had been on the scene for over 4 hours.  Traffic was totally backed up for miles.  It was a deadly scene, for sure-  lots of impact debris-  never did see the impact car, but the cycle was still laying on the side of the road-  It's in between the two guys directing traffic in the street. 

After the 45 minute delay, we inched ahead to the scene, which as I said was at the entrance-  they told us to pull over and park, and they would let us have access in a few minutes, which turned out to be another 15 or so, but then we finally got into the park.  Had a super visit, got my stamps and pins. 

Got back to the Wal Mart at about 530- went shopping for some veggies, and Bette fixed a yummy chicken/rice dinner. 

We'll pick up a day here, since we were agressive today with our visits-  and head on down to El Paso a day early tomorrow.  I had originally scheduled one day there, but we may stretch that to two-  I don't have much on the plate for there, Chamizal NM, a baseball venue, which I may do on Monday, and a visit to a Museum for a stamp, which also will have to wait until Monday.  We will also see our former next door neighbor in Plano, Mary Ann, after 23 years..... 

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