Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Almost done with repairs!

Our man Fred is finishing up the last of the repairs, and we should have the coach out for parking shortly.  The Inverter was installed without any problems, and it is a complete new one.. 
The new gasket for the door was also installed, so that leak should now be cured.  And, the coach is all shiny and clean!
All shiny and clean.....

Fred installing the new Inverter- 

Not sure what we will do tomorrow, there is a big rodeo parade tomorrow, may go, and we may just hang out-  we have our last supper tomorrow night at some restaurant to be determined-  Friday morning, we're heading 75 miles up the road to Willcox Arizona, for a visit to the Rex Allen Cowboy museum, and 2 National Parks-  Chiracahua and Ft. Bowie.  Then Saturday and Sunday, we'll be over at Las Cruces New Mexico for local things and also a visit to White Sands NM.  

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