Friday, January 20, 2012

Tonight is Bingo night at the ballroom, woopee!  May not be a lot of folks there since they changed the date, and a lot of our regular table are out of town this weekend. 

Enjoyed golf yesterday, but paying for it today, back is very very sore.  I had about three pars, and a few bogies, and several "others"  I almost sank a shot out of a bunker for a birdie, so maybe I should take it up again. 

Beautiful weather the last few days, tomorrow, we're going to play with former colleague Porter and her fella Bill as they are in town camping for a couple of weeks, planning on McDonalds and flea market-  Looking very forward to that. 

Did lots of school work today, today was "friday turn your work in day."  Had my usual suspects of late, no shows and such-  oh well, its their money. 

Bette had her stitches out today from her other hand operation, and her frozen shoulder rehad seems to be working some, although like me, the therapy is worse than the original pain-  but she's working through it. 

Went to our insurance agent today and did a good audit of coverage, found 40 dollars worth of stuff I didn't need, and we agreed the other coverages were right in the wheelhouse.  It's amazing how to me it seems folks just are sort of ho hum about their coverages, and or worse, have no real idea what is covered and what is not.  Our lesson learned was when Bette was rear ended by a kid with minimal insurance and that was an ordeal. 

Next Tuesday night, I'm going to induction or induction training not sure which, at the Elk's club in Palatka.  They offer camping at many of their national locations, so we will be taking advantage of that starting with our trip in the next two weeks. 

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