Sunday, January 22, 2012

Play time with Porter, Bill and Bexar

We had a super "Florida retired this is what we do on Saturdays" day-  as previously mentioned, breakfast, followed by a fun visit to the flea market, then fooling around at the house most of the afternoon, think Porter got in a couple of loads of laundry, loving on the lovable Bexar, the wonder dog-  then out to Harry's (where else) for dinner, then we "did the street" for a while, then walked along the ICW back to the car, all in by 8 pm.  We are so retired!!!!!
Note how milleneal Porter and Bill are, as we were seated, they were looking over reviews of the place on line... Bill chose an online recommendation that was not on the menu, and scored!   Harry's NEVER lets us down!!!

Heard from Dan and Kippy down in Miami metro, they are settled in, and at the NC State/Miami basketball game as we speak, for a noon tip off.  Thier son Chris is the something Athletic Director at State, and came down with the team. 

Posted some schoolwork just now, getting ahead, and working on finalizing jello plans for the California trip, now just 13 days away! 

Coquina pal Jerry undergoes the knife tomorrow, good luck buddy, thinking good thoughts on ya- Semper Fi.   He's in Tucson and we'll seem them for a week starting Feb 10th. 

Found a pin on St George street from the Pirate's Museum to add to the Florida pin collection.... 

Went to Home Depot this morning and picked up the supplies to have the garage all wired up properly with additional outlets and having the water heater installation tidied up by a "professional" (off the books) electrician....  Then, maybe, after some more organizing, that will be all set- Post photos of that deal later.  Hopefully, the house is now just about finished as far as alterations.  Got it pretty much like we want it. 

Beautiful weather here now, highs to be near 80 for the next couple of days, hope Steve calls me to go fishing!!  Hear the redfish are running like mad.....

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