Monday, December 26, 2011

357 or so miles, lots of traffic, especially on I-95, but no accidents nor construction, we left at 0735 and got in at 2:55.  Took a different routing this time, since there was a known detour around Harlem, Ga this time. 

Brought back a small load of stuff, including a bookcase, so I spent some time rearranging the office this afternoon. 

Glad to be back in the warmth, and sunshine.  Saw a gaggle of wild turkeys at the pond just now, so we are officially back in Florida!

Or whatever you call a group of 4 Wild Turkeys......  Beautiful colors....
Back to the routine tomorrow, Bette has to go back to PT, and is SO not looking forward to that, and I have to get my classes ready for Lander, we start back up on 9 January. 

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