Thursday, we headed on over to Miami Beach, since Cooper was dead set on swimming- so into the protected ocean he went at Bal Harbor area. We also had lunch at a McDonalds- since It was Thanksgiving, most places were closed, so we headed back early to the motor home, then at 430 we headed out to a Golden Corral that was open for Thanksgiving dinner- What a madhouse! long wait on line, but once we got in, there was plenty of food- We were all pretty tired, so we went back to the motor home and crashed. Friday, we drove back the 305 miles without much effort- no wrecks, not much traffic- this morning, sadly, Cooper and Tina headed back home after breakfast at McDonalds- we just got a call they got home safely- We had a super visit.
Today, after McDonalds, us and the Colagiovannis went to the big annual craft show down at Francis Field- third time we've been, same vendors, didn't buy a thing- then the Colagioviannis called and wanted to see if we wanted to go down to Palatka for lunch, so we did that down to Corky's, which is a local famous place- had a nice split burger. Stopped at County Line produce on the way back for a load of fresh produce, which they have a lot of down here.... now crashing at the house after a long week. Back to the routine.
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