Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Busy week, lots of stuff

Went to the movies last night with the Colagiovannis and then over to Applebees for dinner, great movie, not so great dinner..
The movie, which was directed by Clint Eastwood, was done very well, I thought.  Very excellent production values, terrific costuming and make up, as Hoover and Tolson aged in the movie.  Hoover was at once hated and loved, and was at the least, a mecurial person, who ultimately had too much power.  The movie addressed some dicey material as it had too, and in my opinion, left it up to the viewer to decide the importance or non importance of the situation. 

Because I got one, Bette decided to get a new I phone 4s.  It arrived yesterday, early, and she took it to get activated this morning.  Predictibly, she is in a complete snit trying to figure out her new phone, and is totally afraid of it, and I'm sure hates it.  She has been trying for the last half hour to figure out how to download an app she wants... Total fail. 

Our new Sirrius radio also arrived yesterday-  Haven't had time to get that set up yet, will try to get to that today.

I took the Fit over to the welding place to have the baseplate put on, and they just called me to say that they did not have the wiring harness that they thought they had, and it will be Friday before they can put it in-  grrrrr.  we are supposed to be leaving Monday for Miami. 

We had Bob the builder finally show up to start our latest new projects for the house, which are to build a pantry and redo most of the house in flooring-  Bette also has work in the garage for him to do.  Suspect we'll get the pantry done this week, the flooring sometime after that, and the garage after the first of the year. 

Friday, we're off supposedly to the 72 mile garage sale on Route A1A, but have to wait now for the wiring harness to come in. 

Busy busy busy....

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