Monday, October 31, 2011

Busy day at the pond

Full disclosure, think this is the last two days- it rained very hard for most of the morning, but as I was working on school stuff in the river room this afternoon, we had a nice variety of visitors....

This fellow had distinctive coloring, ugly spindly legs, and a pretty beak, I thought, also the pond is looking nice and clear these days.....

Flash update, our neighbor dog, Molly Elizabeth has made almost a full recovery now from her run in with the golf cart a week or so ago-  no hippity hop in her step, and her wounds have healed up nicely.  Her mommie sadly is not doing so well, really in pain, and has a major back surgery coming up soon, so Molly will be bunking in with us we think....

The anhinga bird was back, not as his usual spot, since the white egret was there, so she plunked down on our stump to air out her feathers and pose for me- interesting coloration on this pretty bird also....
Pretty sure this is a blue heron, and it was just plain majestic as he strutted up and down the length of the far side of the pond looking for morsels to eat- 

This was shot just a minute or so ago, and is a long shot of the baby gator that has been hanging out for the last few days..  He will stay on the bank all plunked out, then once or twice, he'll cruise the pond- but mostly he just suns himself...  not sure how often a fellow like this would need or want to eat-  or how much it takes to keep them happy little gators.....   This one is maybe 3.5 to 4 feet, I would reckon....

Just read up about a super RV show down in Tampa Jan 11th- 15th- May head on down to catch that and see Bette's cousins in New Port Richey while we're there.  

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