Friday, September 23, 2011

Back to Saddle Hill

Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a whirlwind-  we got into the office at Coach Care at 0730, but they didn't take the coach in until after 8 a little.  We thought we would be 2.5 hours, but they discovered they had a recall, and that added an hour and a half to the stop, plus the tech had to go to lunch.  We wound up not leaving ATL until about 2 pm, instead of 11 as we originally thought we would.  Not sorry we had the warranty work done, but sorry we had to compress our other plans- we thought we would be able to visit with Bill and Danny, and get to a national park to pick up some stamps for a friend, but we were not able to do so- It was about a 40 mile jaunt up to Bills, and we knew traffic would be killer at that times of day...

We also stopped at a Blue Ox store and bought a 6 inch drop hitch for the coach, and now we are towing almost flat from the coach, as opposed to a rather severe upward degree as we were doing before.  I had noticed how high we were up, and compared it to other coaches who were towing, and we were off by a lot.  No damage, but should be a much easier tow now.  Way much less stress on the tow bar, anyway. 

Then, as we left ATL, smooth sailing for a while, then got totally smacked by construction and ran into a 7 mile stop and go backup, all for about 500 feet of road construction.. they were stripping off the top layer of road surface, and everytime a truck would fill up, they would stop traffic so another could take its place.  Grrrrrrr.

Upshot of that was instead of getting to Greenwood by 2 or 3 as we had planned, we got there at 7.  Had to hurry and unhook and head on over to Cooper's soccer match, which his team won handily.  I missed a dentist appt also, they were going to squeeze me in, but that window left. 

Boy did we get smacked with rain last night!  They are saying 2-3 inches, and I'm sure it was that much.  Clearing up just now, but they are calling for more rain tomorrow. 

Bette ran over to Newberry today to see our new granddaughter Lyric.  I'm taking the boys over to McCormick tonight for a football  game if we don't get rained out, for them to see Emerald High play there. 

We will be in Greenwood for as long as a week perhaps, doing little odd chores around town, and I have some things to do over at Lander, so by next Wed or so we will head back down to St Augustine and end the great adventure of 2011. 

Will be busy doing stuff with the boys while here, and then on Sunday, we're meeting Bev and Dave for brunch at Lander. 

1 comment:

Marty & Shirley said...

Jim, if the dentist don't work out,we have 1 in Palatka, that is walk-in. I had 2 teeth pulled on a Saturday, with no appointment, and only cost 90-120.00 per tooth. I was in the chair for 3 hours.
