Saturday, July 2, 2011

Yellowstone Today... Wow-

Today, we did Yellowstone- boy did we do Yellowstone!  We saw lots of the park we didn't see on our last visit in 2007.  We entered at West Yellowstone, then went to Norris Gyser, then North to Mammoth Hot Springs, where we had a super lunch, then over to Tower Junction, and Tower Falls, then down to Canyon Village, then back over to Norris, then West Yellowstone.  A pretty big loop!
We left the campground at about 10, and got back at 6.  Beautiful weather today, high in mid 70's, after a morning low of 28 degrees!

We saw lots of wildlife, and I'll post pictures later-  we saw bison, bear, (grizzly and black) bald eagles, and moose.  Brandon turned out to be very good at snagging photos of the various animals.... 

We got home and our mail package was waiting, nothing exciting there. Thanks Ralph, for sending it along.  We did get our 2013 Stickers for the Florida plates.

Rest day tomorrow, Brandon wants to go horseback riding, but they don't ride on Sundays. 

Posting more photos later. 

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