Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday June 16th Coach work, and local Missoula stuff

Got up early, and by 8 we were working with the Bretz team to finish the details of the purchase of the new motorhome..  money transfer, new plates, insurance, blah blah blah, and they took the coach back into the shop for a headlight to taillight pre delivery service and check.  Very thorough, and very impressive. 

We decided to make a McDonalds run and get Brandon a suitable feed, and coffee for me, then Brandon and I headed downtown to see about a pin and ball from the Missoula Osprey, which we got at the team store, since their season doesn't start for 7 days.  We tried to get on the campus of the University of Montana to get to the bookstore, but there was huge construction going on, so we passed. 

We then headed over to the Missoula Smoke Jumper school, which is where the Corps of Smoke Jumpers train.  Very impressive group- they do dangerous work.  We watched a couple of videos, saw some displays of what thier life is like, but didn't take the  45 minute tour.  Got a pin.

Past noon when we got back, did lunch in the Nova, then we went to Wal Mart for provisions.. 

They worked on the coach all day, and proclaimed it in very good shape, with all systems working.  We are of course excited to spend a try out night in it hopefully tomorrow night...  They are going to exchange the satelitte dishes tomorrow at 8, and if all the paperwork is finished, we may be able to start moving our stuff over in the late afternoon, then optimally, we would spend tomorrow night in the coach here at the dealership to make sure everything checks out, then we could be on the road Saturday, or we could spend Sunday night also as insurance, then leave Monday, which is what we will probably wind up doing.  Its about 130 miles up to Glacier, and I called our campground up there to change our reservations, and they say no worries as to when we get there.  We also adjusted the rest of the Montana trip, and we are due next in Yellowstone on July 1st for a week. 

We also worked today on adjusting the August portion of the trip, since we picked up 5 days were were planning to spend at the Gulfstream factory, and now will go on over to Michigan. 

It was cold and rainy today, don't think the temps ever got above the mid 50's.  Supposed to be rainy for the next couple of days. 

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