Sunday, May 8, 2011

To the Eisenhower Library, Home and Museum, Abilene, Kansas

Got up early and headed about 20 miles to Abilene, the home of the Eisenhower family.  He left here when he went to West Point. 

Spent almost 2 hours going through the place, first a house tour, very well done, explaining that Ike came from modest means, 5 boys and a grandfather in a small house, and all the family did very well. 
Then, to the museum itself.. it sadly was in-between major displays, so there was a lot of construction going on- but still it was a nice montage of Ikes life and his military background, and the story of his presidency.  Big display on Ms Eisenhower and how fashionable she was.  Surprisingly, didn't see a mention of Kaye Summersby... 

I didn't know that he had a Cadillac for a staff car... evidently rank did have its privileges, even back in WW II:
Last stop on the tour was the "Place of Meditation", which is the tombs of Ike and His wife Mamie, and their young son, who died when he was 4 or so. 

This is the eighth of the 12 libraries I have seen to date-  we had planned to do President Hoover's on this trip, but may miss that since we played with the schedule a little to get us over to see my sister Sherry, so we will do that on the 2013 trip, when we go back to Missouri for our family reunion. 

This was an impressive visit.  Worth the 10.00 I paid as a senior for both the house tour and everything else. 

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