Took the motor home around the corner for a fill up, since Bette was harping that diesel had gone up 10 cents a gallon since she reminded me to fill up, so we stuffed 70 gallons in at $3.95.9. $294.23. But we are now full. We do need propane also, but we'll get that at Shipps in Chattanooga when we stop for repairs.
The generator wouldn't turn over today, have to have that checked also. Not sure what the issue might be there- it started up fine last week. Nuts.
We're getting closer, closer! Just 18 more days out.
Been fiddling with the return trip from Ohio with the changes from yesterday. Going to make a fairly leisurely run home, spending 2 days at each stop as a minimum, and then a week or so I imagine at Greenwood.
1 comment:
looks like u not going to make DC in Aug.
The Trip plans look close, ours has been set back to July. But heading out in different direction, Going North, then west as far as Nebraska and Oklahoma. Should be back in Palatka by November 1st. Should/hope to collect over 100 stamps on the trip.
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