Spent a lot of this week kindof lying around, still being blahish. Feeling a little better, I suppose.
I had a bit of a go around with my College stuff. I originally was on the schedule for three classes, up from two that was originally discussed. Well, fine. Then, 46 students signed up for the class! Crap- Now I have 95 students! Forget being an adjunct Professor, that's almost a full time load!
I was working on the set ups in Blackboard, and all of a sudden Friday morning, I noticed one of them was dropped. Well foot, I had spent about 40 hours or so in set up time, for naught. E mailed my boss and he observed it was an oversight he forgot to tell me about.
Wisely, I thought, I didn't answer him. Then, at 3 that afternoon, presto, I was back on again, this time, with a half class of 20 or so. Emailed him again, and he was impressed about my speed, and advised that I was back on, and he hoped it was ok with me.
So I spent about 4 hours reloading the stuff into the new section, so we're back to three classes this semester. Well, it will pay for our fuel for sure for this years big trip.
Speaking of the trip, I did spent several hours refining it while I was bed bound, and have it pretty well in order. Bette should be very very happy- We have huge blocks of 5 day, 7 day, and 2 10 day stays mapped out.
I still will be able to hit almost a 100 National Parks, and about 35 ball fields, if everything works out ok, and I was able to build in several "do nothing days" to boot.
I'm really happy with the new schedule, and I'll post a new map when I get to it.
This week is pretty tame with stuff on the calendar- Classes start Monday- so I'll be back in that routine- Got a staff meeting this week for our POW documentary, I'm submitting an article for our national publication of the Park Stampers, and Bingo is Friday.
Sunday, we're heading in the car up to Camden and Columbia SC, for a meeting Monday- then we'll head over to Greenwood for the night, then head back to St Augustine on Tuesday as things are planned now.
While in Camden, we'll visit the Revolutionary War site and get that location off the Stamp list.
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