Monday, January 17, 2011

Productive day

Got up early, went to McDonalds for an oatmeal breakfast, then to a mediation meeting, which we got the issue solved after meeting for 3.5 hours.  Then we drove on over to Saddle Hill in Greenwood, and met up with Tony and Tina with the boys tonight at the Mill House for a nice dinner. 

Tomorrow, I'll be busy catching up on some things at Lander University, and then we plan to meet up with our pals Bev and Dave for a local dinner.

Wednesday morning, back on the road to Florida and Coquina Crossing. 

The apartment was 46 degrees when we got here this afternoon, and 4 hours later, its still only 61-  brrrrr. 

Looking forward to getting caught up with some stuff at school, and seeing some of my colleagues and students for a little bit.  

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