Monday, December 31, 2018

Decemberer 31st Bette and Tracy leave for New Jersey.

At 930 last night, Bette and Tracy left for New Jersey.  They have arrived safely, much to my relief.  They split the driving and eating, Tracy slept while Bette drived, and vice versa.   Believe Bette will head home after dinner with Helen, her pal.  She will arrive sometime the 2nd, which will be fine, as I have procedures on the 4th and 7th, and the hospital and Dr. Sida's.  She did pretty good heading up there, top speed was 79 mph, 1 mile below where I would get an email.  Total for the trip was 905 miles.  Average for the trip was 38.8 mpg!
Been watching bowl games all day- haven't even showered yet at it's almost 4 pm!

Saw these plates in the last couple of days:

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